M. Mödinger, A. Woll, I. Wagner: Video-based visual feedback to enhance motor learning in physical education - a systematic review
While studies have indicated that visual feedback promotes skill acquisition and motor learning in controlled settings and for various sports, less is known about its feasibility in physical education, which has specific needs and conditions. For this reason, a systematic literature review was conducted regarding video-based visual feedback in physical education. Out of 2030 initially examined studies, 11 matched the selection and quality criteria. The goal was to determine whether visual feedback can be effective regarding motor learning in physical education in primary and secondary schools, and to investigate whether different visual feedback variants (expert modeling and self-modeling), supported by verbal feedback, are more effective than verbal feedback alone. Subsequently, the different conditions (e.g., age, group size, duration) of the included studies were evaluated for their suitability for everyday applications. Video- based visual feedback seems to be effective to enhance motor learning in physical education and seems to be more effective than solely verbal feedback. However, the results show that the specific conditions (class size, scheduled lessons, available time, technical equipment, the digital literacy of teachers, and data protection) of a school environment must be considered before implementing visual video feedback in daily practice.
Gabriele Weese, Moritz Mödinger, Prof. Dr. Alexander Woll, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Wagner: Medieneinsatz im Sportunterricht. In:
SportPraxis, Sonderheft "Erfolgreich Sport
unterrichten – Die Basics"
Der Artikel von Gabriele Weese und Moritz Mödinger, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Alexander Woll und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Wagner vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie entstanden ist, beleuchtet den Einsatz digitaler Medien im Sportunterricht aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Angehende Lehrkräfte bekommen darin nicht nur Einblicke in ein vielfältiges Angebot, sie erhalten auch Hinweise zu Potentialen und Barrieren digitaler Medien für den unterrichtlichen Einsatz. Auch werden Anregungen für die Gestaltung des eigenen Unterrichtsgegeben.